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hair care treatment

(3 Items)
  • 22752 DA75051 DA75051 1 MELU/ hair shield 8.45 Fl. Oz. Davines Davines Essential Haircare MELU/ hair shield 8.45 Fl. Oz. False davines/davinesmeluhairshield845floz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 20.00 20.00 20.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract is required 0 Davines Essential Haircare MELU/ hair shield is a heat protecting shield that effectively protects the hair from heat stresses caused by straighteners and blow-dryers. True Log in to view pricing! False
    Davines MELU/ hair shield 8.45 Fl. Oz.

    Essential Haircare MELU/ hair shield

    8.45 Fl. Oz.

    SKU DA75051

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  • 62998 DA79000 DA79000 1 Reinforcing Bodifying Fluid 4.22 Fl. Oz. Davines Davines Liquid Spell Reinforcing Bodifying Fluid 4.22 Fl. Oz. True davines/davinesliquidspell125ml422floz.jpg Bonus Deal Available 25.50 25.50 25.50 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract is required 0 Davines Liquid Spell Reinforcing Bodifying Fluid is a transformative liquid-to-foam silky elixir that repairs mildly damaged and lackluster hair, providing instant softness and vitality. True Log in to view pricing! False
    Davines Reinforcing Bodifying Fluid 4.22 Fl. Oz.

    Liquid Spell Reinforcing Bodifying Fluid

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  • 128371 LU480181 LU480181 1 Vital Lotion 12 x 0.33 Fl. Oz. Luxury Hair Pro Luxury Hair Pro Vital Lotion 12 x 0.33 Fl. Oz. False luxuryhairpro/luxuryhairprovitallotion12pc.jpg Bonus Deal Available 31.78 31.78 31.78 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract is required 0 Luxury Hair Pro Vital Lotion is an innovative micro-crystalline leave-in revitalizing treatment containing Linseed Oil, Silk Proteins and Vitamin-E True Log in to view pricing! False
    Luxury Hair Pro Vital Lotion 12 x 0.33 Fl. Oz.

    Luxury Hair Pro
    Vital Lotion

    12 x 0.33 Fl. Oz.

    SKU LU480181

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(3 Items)